Adult Classes

First Responders

When first responders encounter the threat of physical violence, they have an obligation to use the safest solution possible, minimizing the use of force. However, there will always be situations where physical restraint and other applications of force are the only safe and effective means to protect patients/subjects and others around. This program will teach systems and strategies to reduce the intensity of each encounter, gain voluntary compliance, and mitigate the need for a higher level of force.

The concept of Jiu-Jitsu was developed so that smaller or weaker people could defend themselves against a much larger and stronger opponent using the proper application of distance managing, leverage, positioning, and pain compliance techniques. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gives you the ability to physically control another human being who is actively trying to fight you without having to use strikes, i.e., punches and kicks. This control is achieved through control holds, superior positioning, and pain compliance techniques.

Fighting on the ground gives a mechanical advantage to the jiu-jitsu practitioner because it limits the ability of their opponent to employ explosive force (i.e., a knockout punch). Once on the ground, Jiu Jitsu will give you the ability and knowledge to control a subject limiting damage to yourself and the subject and giving you multiple options to ultimately win the situation through control.

Offering first responders more training in self-defense through this program goes beyond the physical aspect of protection. It nurtures a mindset of preparedness, self-reliance, and resilience, ultimately benefiting the individual first responder, the department, and the community they serve.

The classes will cover survival and escape strategies, de-escalation, and subject control techniques.

Please contact us for scheduling and more information.